Category Archives: Horse Therapy!

Life with one of my favorite things beside the fam, HORSES.

Weekends of family, horses and freezing our a**es off!

I awoke to a 53 degrees air temp in our living quarters horse trailer.  BRRRR!  I am pretty sure that outside is not that much colder.  Lately hubs has stayed home to work while the little lady, a 17 year old sweetheart of a girl (that boards her horse at our place) and I have been making the trek alone to different ranch sortings in Wyoming and Colorado.  So this girl has gotten her plenty of getting use to our new living quarters trailer.  Last weekend I had a setting wrong in the furnace and both the furnace and air blew at the same time.  I am thanking hubs for putting in an electric heater as now I am either out of propane (which is very doubtful) or something else is up with the furnace.  As I type this it is now a blistering 58 degrees.  I am drinking coffee and have a rice bag heated up to stay warm.

Love taking this to ranch sortings.  I set up my "portable office" on the bar and get to word.  Especially on a cold Saturday morning that I wake up at 5 am!!!??

Love taking this to ranch sortings. I set up my “portable office” on the bar and get to word. Especially on a cold Saturday morning that I wake up at 5 am!!!??



But all this early time to think has got me counting my blessings.

Going to get saddled up!

Going to get saddled up!









I am so thankful that my little lady loves horses like I do.  At her age all I wanted was a horse-didn’t get one until my early teenage years.  There is something so motivating and enchanting about a little girl on her horse.  You have all heard me rave about Bullseye, but I just can’t say enough good about him.  He somehow knows that his duty in life is to carry my little lady around.  He does dang near everything she asks!  He waited for 6 months before he loped with her-when she finally asked him, he was ready.  He LOVE to chase a cow and when I ride him he is completely different than when he had the little lady on his back.  If she wants to circle the cows that is what they do.  She kicks him to go after that cow then he goes.  Watching them in action in the sorting pen is one of my favorite things to do.  My little lady has a favorite partner-one of my friends husbands-this guy is so patient and instructs and teaches her so well.

Little Lady and her favorite ranch sorting Partner!!!!

Little Lady and her favorite ranch sorting Partner!!!!


My little lady doesn’t always have to be riding bullseye to enjoy him.  She likes to drop his lead and watch him trail behind her as she walks forward.  She LOVE to hug and kiss him-he drops his head into her arms to get a moochie!


It took us three horses to find the one that was my little lady’s match.  We would do it all again to find Bullseye!

Little lady and Bullseye decked out in PINK-her favorite color.  I think he loves it too!

Little lady and Bullseye decked out in PINK-her favorite color. I think he loves it too!


Thanks for reading!


AKA Wild Woman of the West


P.S. We would love to hear about your little ones perfect horse!


P.P.S.  Please visit Up to 80% off the western brands you LOVE!  Newly added items just in time for some early Christmas shopping!

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A horse and heartbreak (and quite a few tears!)

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What a week we had last week!  My main sorting mare got stuck under a panel and thrashed around and cut the heck out of her right knee and right tendon-the left was scraped up but nothing too deep like the right.

I was surprised how sad I was-I am a very anxious person but I usually can handle situations like this with energy (and stress), but I was so sad I just cried.  I bought this filly as a 2 year old so she hadn’t been ridden much.  I never really had the connection when I started riding her.  She was super hyper-she calmed down with a change of diet and age.  But it still took me years to get that connection with her that I have with my other mare Zoey.  Snazzy and I had become a team in the sorting pen.  We had even started to win some money-but the partnership I had formed with her is now amazing!

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So I finished my two days of sadness and decided to suck it up and take the best care of her I could (of course I did that in the beginning too)!  Snaz is on 4 weeks of stall rest which she is not too keen on.  After two weeks she can have two 5 minute walks per day.


This morning I changed the bandage-and was reminded how bad it is.  Snaz is super sore when I put the gauze (with some triple antibiotic ointment) on the affected area.  The knee area looked better-but the tendon area did not.  I am saying prayers and trying not to worry about my girl!  I haven’t wrapped a horses leg in a while so I took my time and hopefully it stays on for 4 days!  LOL!

So here’s to a better week, healing leg wounds and just healthy kids, horses, family members, dogs, etc!

Ride on my friends!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. We are super close to 26,000 FANS on FACEBOOK! Please share with your friends!

P.P.S.  Thank you all so much for supporting our online outlet.  I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE to save money and LOVE finding items to save you all mula!  Thanks for loving our products so much!



Little Lady, Princess and Snazzy!

This horse has become one of my favs!  She is a Hollywood Dun It granddaughter as as cowy as they come.  Thankfully a friend gave me some tips on how to ride her (embarrassing to admit but I don’t know everything!) and now we get along way better!  As my favorite horse friend says, Snazzy fits me!

I just started sorting a couple times per month and Snazzy has been my sorting partner.  We have had so much fun.  Snazzy ends up SO TIRED so we have been doing some round pen work during the week.  Today I took my little lady and her cow dog Princess to play outside the round pen while I working Snaz.  Princess would run around the outside of the round pen as Snazzy ran on the inside. Every once in a while Princess would jump up the put her paws on the side of the round pen to see what was going on.  It was hilarious-took me a couple times of trying to video it to catch it.  To catch the dog jumping up on the round pen you will have to watch to the end of the video.

What a great dog PRINCESS IS!


Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at Thanks to all of you who helped up get OVER 25,500 LIKES!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!

Horses, horses and more horses!

120HAHAHAHA!  I have been looking for another sorting horse (I did find one that was amazing but was a little out of my price range!).  Hubs was laughing at me today as I found a pony we will be going to look at for the little lady.  He says he can’t keep up with our little lady and I.  LOL!!!  Sorry Hubs (daddy) we just can’t help ourselves!

My little lady and I will keep you posted!

HUBS was watching . . .

Sunday was an afternoon of working outside in pretty nice weather. Yep this time of year in Wyoming we are thrilled at 60 degree weather (however it has snowed off and on since then!).

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(My little lady was RIGHT in the middle of the fence building and the property clean up!  So proud of her!!)

We had to finish a pen to move my Snazzy to-since she is back from the trainer!  We have two of our brood mares in a pasture that we want to  get them off of.  Holly is a nightmare to catch-so I caught Fresca and at the last second I just thought I should just lead Fresca and maybe Holly will follow.


Hubs was putting up fence and tells our oldest boyzee – “this should be interesting-this had better work or mom is going to have to saddle another horse just to get Holly back in a fence.”  I am pretty sure they were laughing and have a heck of a time thinking I was CRAZY!

I wish I could have videoed this.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  I had grabbed some hay on my way out of the other pasture.  Holly followed us down the fence line and RIGHT into the gate to the new run.  I have to admit I was shocked myself that it worked.  However I didn’t have to catch her!

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Heres to…sometimes our plans working out perfectly!  Sometimes we just have to go with our GUT!

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Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at Thanks to all of you who helped up get OVER 25,000 LIKES!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!


“Dancing” with Horses!!!

It has been super cold here in Casper Wyoming this winter!  We have been bringing the mares and our boarder boys in at least every night-trying to get them outside during the day.  The wind is BRUTAL!  I am pretty sure it is blowing 50 mph right now as I write this!

Hubs was trying to help me before his surgery by getting all the horses in the barn.  One lone pregnant mare, Holly, would not let him catch her.  He called me to complain about how naughty she was.  I thought no prob I will catch her when I get home-I am always able to catch her if I take my time! (well I have to admit that I thought it may take me five times as long as he let Holly WIN-but I didn’t tell him that)!!!

So with HUBS watching from outside the fence I try to shut the gate at the end of her run to limit her area of running from me.  The pen had a huge snow drifts throughout one side so I couldn’t close the end gate-so I am becoming less sure of myself.  Holly has never kicked at me but with a drift blocking her from running from me I didn’t know what she would do.  Hubs is still watching from outside of the pen thinking that there is no way I am going to catch her-which I love to tell you that I proved him wrong. I just took my time!  After I get a hand on her shoulder the game is over and then she becomes a different horse.  She has the most amazing ground manners when she being led, tied up, trailered, etc.  She has been ridden before but it has been over 9 years since she was ridden (we bought her strictly for a brood mare).  When she is loose-she can be a snotty little thing!


Got me thinking about it being part of their game!  Zoey, my main riding mare, likes to run around me for about  5 minutes and then just “lets” me catch her.  SERIOUSLY it is very annoying sometimes.


Every other mare is FANTASTIC to catch and can’t wait to be with me or Hubs when catching them-RIGHT in your business even if you aren’t catching them but are near them.  I love each and every one of their different personalities, there little quirks-some great and some that need to be worked on (but we all have that whether we are humans or horses)!!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  I wrote this mid December.  Sadly Holly lost her foal.  She is now at her “boyfriends” house for another try!  Her first baby at our place was Frosty (now named Little man at his new home).  We are excited for a full sibling to Frosty hopefully next year!!!!!

P.S.S.  We would LOVE for you to like our facebook page!


Go Pros, Snow and Horses!

Tonight I really wish I owned a Go Pro camera.  The boyzees, Princess (our cow dog aka feeding partner) and I went down to the barn to do chores. It was after dark, the moon was full and bright and we were all a little tired from the week. The boyzees each had sport practices tonight.  At the barn we needed to feed, fill waterers and move hay around for the next week-we had been putting off moving bales of hay for quite a few days!

Diamond, our 7 month old filly is now full time in a pasture-we never stall her because of what we thought was muscle probs.  We now think maybe she just needs to be in a large run/pasture always!  We have been hauling water by bucket fulls for a while as she is in a large run with a shelter that is no where near water or electricity.  So tonight we moved a large water trough and started hooking hoses together.  Four VERY LONG hoses later we had the hose long enough to reach from the water spigot to the water trough.  Little side note:  HUBS had to fix a hose and he thinks this past summer he had a great reason to put two female ends on one hose. So the boys and I are in moonlight only (we finally broke down and used the flashlight on the cell phone) to put the hoses together.  After a long laugh we figured it out and got the hoses organized.

I do think the horses were all wondering what the he** we were doing laughing, hollering and carrying  on.  That Go Pro would have come in handy tonight just because it was all funny to the boyzees and I!!!

We also moved had to all the pastures to make feeding (especially in the mornings) a little easier on HUBS!

Boyzees and Hubs think I am a bad driver.  EVERYTIME the snow (currently from the night before last) drifts I seem to get stuck in a snow drift in my one ton truck.  All the males in my household think it is me.  So driving back up to the house from the barn took  three tries-which gave the boyzees a good laugh when they told hubs!

Tonight I am thankful for the laughs and memories I made tonight night with my boyzees.  It was the absolute highlight of my day!  It just doesn’t get any better!

So horses are watered and fed and we all are sleepy…Have a GREAT evening!


Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  We just exceeded 22,500 likes on facebook.  What a journey we have had in the last year!  I have really enjoyed getting to know you and just having fun!  Visit our facebook page at

P.P.S.  Save up to 80% at our outlet western store.  Your favorite western brands for less!!

P.P.S.S. Does anyone own a Go Pro?  How do you like it?  What do you use it for?  I was thinking I should get one.  Lots of uses-spying on the horses when I am gone at work; wearing on my head while I feed with the boys to capture laughs and memories with them; and I am pretty sure the boyzees could think of ways to use it too!

New life is amazing!

I knew the night that our mare, Jeny was going to have her baby!  So about 10 minutes after the filly was born I got there-doesn’t that just figure.  I had set my alarm for 2:30 am to go check on her and about 2:20 am I woke up startled-so I boogied down to the barn.  What a cute little filly.  I instantly fell in love with her (as did the rest of the fam)!

at birth

Before the little filly was born I couldn’t for the life of me think of a name. I got out the AQHA papers of the mare and stud and still couldn’t figure out.  Hubs and I brainstormed name ideas the night she was born.

When I walked into the stall at 2:30 am and saw the lopsided diamond on her forehead I instantly knew her name had to be Diamond.  And you know what they say, Diamonds are a girls best friend!  My little lady already says they are best friends!!!

My little lady and little Diamond have the most adorable relationship with the panel fence between them!  There is sniffing and petting and talking to each other!  All of that stops when they are face to face!  It is hilarious!  They are both terrified of the other when the panel is not between them.


I love getting close to Diamond.  She follows me around the field and their round pen.  She loves her neck petted but NOT HER EARS!  It is relaxing to watch her run and buck around!



Thanks for reading!

Wild Woman of the West!

P.S. Stop by our Facebook Fan Page and give us a like at

P.P.S. We have something really fun planned so stay tuned!




All this snow has been GREAT as we really needed it.  It adds lots of animals related work!  I actually LOVE when the horses are in the barn in their stalls-it seems like I get more one on one time with each of them as they aren’t all in a group.  I have gotten to pet them more, brush them more, talk to them more and just be around them more (yes the snow day helped)!  One other thing I do more is clean the stalls.  This morning I spent well over and hour-which I really enjoyed-cleaning stalls-AND subsequently getting a work out.  Mucking out stalls, hauling hay and wood shavings gets my heart pumping!  I joke with my friends that doing all that is FREE (well maybe not since I am paying for the horses, hay, etc!) cross fit as it is life and it is EXERCISE-EVEN IF IT IS NOT AT THE GYM!

I cleaned my main mares stall and had to share a pic as she is “stall trained” and a very “clean” horse.  She poops and pees in one area and it is super easy to clean her stall.  Not so much for other four of them!

Zoey Bear

The cats were soaking up the hot sun as I cleaned the stalls and fed everyone.

cats soaking up the sun!

This morning the boys stayed home from school (I thought it was going to be worse than yesterday – WHICH IT WASN’T) so they helped me with the horsies after they fed their 4-H piggies and goats.

After chores (and I went to the office) the boys sledded and sledded and built jumps and sledded some more!  HUBS said they had a FREAKING blast outside-which made me feel slightly better that they didn’t play video games all day,  but did some sort of exercise!  LOL!

The sun is HOT so now we can bring on the MUD!!!!!!!


Is your HUBS a pessimist or an optimist?  My HUBS is a diehard optimist to the freaking core!  He is so optimistic sometimes I get annoyed at him.  I however am a complete pessimist (I do try to hide this fact as much as possible as it is NOT something I am proud of).  This is something I consistently fight now to be.  I actually joke that a pessimist is an educated optimist!

The fact that hubs is an optimist is what really grounds me and evens me out.  If you hadn’t figured out by now I am VERY HIGH STRUNG and ENERGENIC.  HUBS is WAY more CALM!  He reminds me a lot NOT to go negative but look on the positive side.  Sometimes I make myself find one positive thing out of a situation I see is negative-mostly due to him reminding me to do so (LOL)!

One of my most favorite things about HUBS beside him being a FANTASTIC DADDYO, is how much he loves the horses.  He completely understands my obsession and supports me in it.  OUR horses LOVE him and can feel his patience (as they know I don’t have a lot) and calmness (another thing I lack-LOL).

I found this picture/saying and thought, “THAT IS EXACTLY HOW MY HUBS IS!”  I might even take a pic like this (if I can coax HUBS into it AND it stops snowing in the near future!).

hub horse

He does whatever he has to do to help and take care of the horses.  He gets worried when a foal is about to be born and taking too long like me or when one seems to have a belly ache, etc and just has a genuine interest in them partly because I do…I am one lucky Wild Woman of the West!