Tag Archives: little ladies

Weekends of family, horses and freezing our a**es off!

I awoke to a 53 degrees air temp in our living quarters horse trailer.  BRRRR!  I am pretty sure that outside is not that much colder.  Lately hubs has stayed home to work while the little lady, a 17 year old sweetheart of a girl (that boards her horse at our place) and I have been making the trek alone to different ranch sortings in Wyoming and Colorado.  So this girl has gotten her plenty of getting use to our new living quarters trailer.  Last weekend I had a setting wrong in the furnace and both the furnace and air blew at the same time.  I am thanking hubs for putting in an electric heater as now I am either out of propane (which is very doubtful) or something else is up with the furnace.  As I type this it is now a blistering 58 degrees.  I am drinking coffee and have a rice bag heated up to stay warm.

Love taking this to ranch sortings.  I set up my "portable office" on the bar and get to word.  Especially on a cold Saturday morning that I wake up at 5 am!!!??

Love taking this to ranch sortings. I set up my “portable office” on the bar and get to word. Especially on a cold Saturday morning that I wake up at 5 am!!!??



But all this early time to think has got me counting my blessings.

Going to get saddled up!

Going to get saddled up!









I am so thankful that my little lady loves horses like I do.  At her age all I wanted was a horse-didn’t get one until my early teenage years.  There is something so motivating and enchanting about a little girl on her horse.  You have all heard me rave about Bullseye, but I just can’t say enough good about him.  He somehow knows that his duty in life is to carry my little lady around.  He does dang near everything she asks!  He waited for 6 months before he loped with her-when she finally asked him, he was ready.  He LOVE to chase a cow and when I ride him he is completely different than when he had the little lady on his back.  If she wants to circle the cows that is what they do.  She kicks him to go after that cow then he goes.  Watching them in action in the sorting pen is one of my favorite things to do.  My little lady has a favorite partner-one of my friends husbands-this guy is so patient and instructs and teaches her so well.

Little Lady and her favorite ranch sorting Partner!!!!

Little Lady and her favorite ranch sorting Partner!!!!


My little lady doesn’t always have to be riding bullseye to enjoy him.  She likes to drop his lead and watch him trail behind her as she walks forward.  She LOVE to hug and kiss him-he drops his head into her arms to get a moochie!


It took us three horses to find the one that was my little lady’s match.  We would do it all again to find Bullseye!

Little lady and Bullseye decked out in PINK-her favorite color.  I think he loves it too!

Little lady and Bullseye decked out in PINK-her favorite color. I think he loves it too!


Thanks for reading!


AKA Wild Woman of the West


P.S. We would love to hear about your little ones perfect horse!


P.P.S.  Please visit shop.wildwomanofthewest.com Up to 80% off the western brands you LOVE!  Newly added items just in time for some early Christmas shopping!