On Monday I joked with many people that I hoped school was cancelled and we had a snow day on Tuesday!  Well when I woke up this morning I sent the peepettes to school and had my own snow day.  My little lady’s school was cancelled, but the peepeete’s school was in session.  Actually, hind sight is 20/20 as I really should have just kept them home.  The roads were ridiculous!  School should have been cancelled and if I was guessing I would say that tomorrow they will cancel school and it will stop snowing and be a semi-nice day-the school district got a lot of sh*t today on facebook (which they deleted-but some of us saw) for not closing school.

I did work some from home.  I DO ADMIT that I didn’t do as much as I told myself I would do.  This morning when I fed, I got to take my time.  Usually I am rushing around like a fast walking, fast hay throwing, water flinging wild woman of the west! This morning all the horses got a curry combing and some petting time.  It was fantastic.  Even though it was cold outside this morning, in the stall barn I was in HEAVEN. It wasn’t that cold inside and it was so nice taking my time!  Tonight I dawdled a little, but it was colder!  And much snowier!  We have over 20 inches and it is still snowing.  I have been THANKING GOD that we are getting this much snow (and that I got a snow day)!

The peepettes have talked me into letting them stay home tomorrow if the roads are still this bad and it is still snowing (if a snow day is not called).  I may not win the best mom of the year but I will be the most popular MOMMY-O in my household (WHICH I LOVE)!

When the peepettes got home and after they fed their  4-H animals, they went sledding in their cowboy boots (as they had left their snow boots outside and they got COVERED AND LOST by the snow).  They had a blast as you can see!  AND…I had so much fun watching them from the warm house with a brewski in hand!

[wpvideo k9qweXNZ]

Hope all of your are soaking up the sun somewhere warm OR AT LEAST staying warm  in all this snow.

I leave you tonight saying SNOW ON!  HEHEHEH!

Alisha (AKA Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you for LOVING our facebook page. We HIT over 6000 LIKES!   OMGOSH!  Thank you!  You are all FANTASTIC!

P.P.S. FUN BLING ALERT! For the month of April we are having a fun contest. Check it out here: http://wildwomanofthewest.com/livin-country-bold-and-brash-contest/ .  This is one of the FUN gifts in the BLING BASKET!



P.P.S.S.  ANOTHER GIVEAWAY! www.boldandbrashwoman.com Enter to win our Bold and Brash Body Cream!  This contest ends this FRIDAY (04/12/2013)!


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