Category Archives: Outlet Shopping

Deal Seeking Cowgirlie!!!

I would prefer the term Deal seeking Cowgirlie to tight a** and my friends and family have called me both!  All my life I have always looked for the smokin’ deal on my clothes, fun house stuff, kids clothes, furniture etc.  Members of my family joke that we all the deal “gene” from our Grams Cathron-she is a coupon cutting, sale finding machine  (at 90).  I have a cousin who is the same way with coupons-she saves booooooocuuu bucks on food and really everything else!

I also have been a clothing fanatic all my life-I love clothes-so in order to have a lot of them –I have to find them on major sales.  Most of the clothing stores in town know me by name and know I make a beeline for the most mark down sales rack.   The ladies that work in the stores even call me sometimes when they are having major mark downs.

Because of my great deal finding “skills” lots of friends have me go shopping with them.  They tease me a little (for fun) and always make a point of asking how much my outfit of the day costs.  I have saved many of my friends lots of mullah!

FOR YEARS I have been told I should be a personal shopper and find the deals for people-which gave me an idea-to put all the deals in one place (out Wild Woman of the West Online Outlet Store) and with the help of a smart web guy I have done it!

We talking up to 80% off retail and I am continuing to search out deals to put on the website.  My goal is to someday have boots on there-but that is one hard sale to find!  However coming soon is bridles, super cute purses (even cowhide!!!) and more!

Have a blast shopping!  And one last thing…FREE SHIPPING in the US!!!

Thank you for being with us today!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. You can shop at


P.S.S.  We will be sharing new items on our facebook page so be sure to like our page!

P.P.S.  One of my favorite photographers has graced our Outlet store with her amazing pics that she takes on horseback!  I don’t think we can get more western than that!!!  Check this one out at×14. This one is called Little Bay.  One of my favs!
