Tag Archives: western

“Dancing” with Horses!!!

It has been super cold here in Casper Wyoming this winter!  We have been bringing the mares and our boarder boys in at least every night-trying to get them outside during the day.  The wind is BRUTAL!  I am pretty sure it is blowing 50 mph right now as I write this!

Hubs was trying to help me before his surgery by getting all the horses in the barn.  One lone pregnant mare, Holly, would not let him catch her.  He called me to complain about how naughty she was.  I thought no prob I will catch her when I get home-I am always able to catch her if I take my time! (well I have to admit that I thought it may take me five times as long as he let Holly WIN-but I didn’t tell him that)!!!

So with HUBS watching from outside the fence I try to shut the gate at the end of her run to limit her area of running from me.  The pen had a huge snow drifts throughout one side so I couldn’t close the end gate-so I am becoming less sure of myself.  Holly has never kicked at me but with a drift blocking her from running from me I didn’t know what she would do.  Hubs is still watching from outside of the pen thinking that there is no way I am going to catch her-which I love to tell you that I proved him wrong. I just took my time!  After I get a hand on her shoulder the game is over and then she becomes a different horse.  She has the most amazing ground manners when she being led, tied up, trailered, etc.  She has been ridden before but it has been over 9 years since she was ridden (we bought her strictly for a brood mare).  When she is loose-she can be a snotty little thing!


Got me thinking about it being part of their game!  Zoey, my main riding mare, likes to run around me for about  5 minutes and then just “lets” me catch her.  SERIOUSLY it is very annoying sometimes.


Every other mare is FANTASTIC to catch and can’t wait to be with me or Hubs when catching them-RIGHT in your business even if you aren’t catching them but are near them.  I love each and every one of their different personalities, there little quirks-some great and some that need to be worked on (but we all have that whether we are humans or horses)!!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  I wrote this mid December.  Sadly Holly lost her foal.  She is now at her “boyfriends” house for another try!  Her first baby at our place was Frosty (now named Little man at his new home).  We are excited for a full sibling to Frosty hopefully next year!!!!!

P.S.S.  We would LOVE for you to like our facebook page!  www.facebook.com/wildwomanofthewest.


Go Pros, Snow and Horses!

Tonight I really wish I owned a Go Pro camera.  The boyzees, Princess (our cow dog aka feeding partner) and I went down to the barn to do chores. It was after dark, the moon was full and bright and we were all a little tired from the week. The boyzees each had sport practices tonight.  At the barn we needed to feed, fill waterers and move hay around for the next week-we had been putting off moving bales of hay for quite a few days!

Diamond, our 7 month old filly is now full time in a pasture-we never stall her because of what we thought was muscle probs.  We now think maybe she just needs to be in a large run/pasture always!  We have been hauling water by bucket fulls for a while as she is in a large run with a shelter that is no where near water or electricity.  So tonight we moved a large water trough and started hooking hoses together.  Four VERY LONG hoses later we had the hose long enough to reach from the water spigot to the water trough.  Little side note:  HUBS had to fix a hose and he thinks this past summer he had a great reason to put two female ends on one hose. So the boys and I are in moonlight only (we finally broke down and used the flashlight on the cell phone) to put the hoses together.  After a long laugh we figured it out and got the hoses organized.

I do think the horses were all wondering what the he** we were doing laughing, hollering and carrying  on.  That Go Pro would have come in handy tonight just because it was all funny to the boyzees and I!!!

We also moved had to all the pastures to make feeding (especially in the mornings) a little easier on HUBS!

Boyzees and Hubs think I am a bad driver.  EVERYTIME the snow (currently from the night before last) drifts I seem to get stuck in a snow drift in my one ton truck.  All the males in my household think it is me.  So driving back up to the house from the barn took  three tries-which gave the boyzees a good laugh when they told hubs!

Tonight I am thankful for the laughs and memories I made tonight night with my boyzees.  It was the absolute highlight of my day!  It just doesn’t get any better!

So horses are watered and fed and we all are sleepy…Have a GREAT evening!


Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  We just exceeded 22,500 likes on facebook.  What a journey we have had in the last year!  I have really enjoyed getting to know you and just having fun!  Visit our facebook page at facebook.com/wildwomanofthewest.com

P.P.S.  Save up to 80% at our outlet western store.  Your favorite western brands for less!!

P.P.S.S. Does anyone own a Go Pro?  How do you like it?  What do you use it for?  I was thinking I should get one.  Lots of uses-spying on the horses when I am gone at work; wearing on my head while I feed with the boys to capture laughs and memories with them; and I am pretty sure the boyzees could think of ways to use it too!


Is your HUBS a pessimist or an optimist?  My HUBS is a diehard optimist to the freaking core!  He is so optimistic sometimes I get annoyed at him.  I however am a complete pessimist (I do try to hide this fact as much as possible as it is NOT something I am proud of).  This is something I consistently fight now to be.  I actually joke that a pessimist is an educated optimist!

The fact that hubs is an optimist is what really grounds me and evens me out.  If you hadn’t figured out by now I am VERY HIGH STRUNG and ENERGENIC.  HUBS is WAY more CALM!  He reminds me a lot NOT to go negative but look on the positive side.  Sometimes I make myself find one positive thing out of a situation I see is negative-mostly due to him reminding me to do so (LOL)!

One of my most favorite things about HUBS beside him being a FANTASTIC DADDYO, is how much he loves the horses.  He completely understands my obsession and supports me in it.  OUR horses LOVE him and can feel his patience (as they know I don’t have a lot) and calmness (another thing I lack-LOL).

I found this picture/saying and thought, “THAT IS EXACTLY HOW MY HUBS IS!”  I might even take a pic like this (if I can coax HUBS into it AND it stops snowing in the near future!).

hub horse

He does whatever he has to do to help and take care of the horses.  He gets worried when a foal is about to be born and taking too long like me or when one seems to have a belly ache, etc and just has a genuine interest in them partly because I do…I am one lucky Wild Woman of the West!


I had a dream a week or so ago that I actually purchased a 1/2 ton pick-up truck due to the technical, computerized stuff in it.  THANKFULLY I WOKE UP (and was very happy I still had my RED 1 TON).  My RED TRUCK has plenying of techy, fun perks-my favorite being able to play music from my iPhone through the bluetooth!

dads truck

Funny that since HUBS dented my truck cab and broke out the window (with the 5th Wheel incident) I am currently driving my dads 1/2 ton.  Now no offence to any of you that drive a 1/2 ton, but I WANT MY 1 TON BACK NOW!  My dads FORD 1/2 ton is VERY WHIMPY compared to my DODGE 1 TON!  (side note: massive thanks to my dad for even letting me borrow his truck-especially since most of what I do daily is driving around!).

Initially when we were looking at trucks for me to haul my own  horses, I had told HUBS a 1 ton was WAY too much truck for me.  After driving the bigger truck for over a year, I realize BIG RED is perfect for me!

big red

In this pic you will see my hillbilliness (yes I think I just made up a word) come out.  I drove around for 4 days with a saddle and blanket holder in the back of my truck.  Some of my real estate colleagues teased me about the last time when I was carting around a water trough for days.  Sometimes I lack TIME!

For the next 10 days (at least) I will be sporting a  1/2 ton (hopefully the body shop can fix my BIG RED faster!) – unless I can get HUBS to trade me me the 1/2 ton for his 1 ton DODGE dually.  The chance of that is fairly slim-but a girlie can dream!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you for LOVING our facebook page.  We are over 5200 LIKES as of today!  We love that you share our pics and contests with your friends!

P.P.S. FUN BLING ALERT!  For the month of April we are having a fun contest.  Check it out here:  http://wildwomanofthewest.com/livin-country-bold-and-brash-contest/