Category Archives: Shopping

Rough Around the Knees!

I actually thought that my little lady would be easier on clothes that the JR and SR Peepettes (my boys). My little lady LOVES clothes as much as I do. Yesterday we took a trip to Gymboree to look at the sale rack. Thankfully the peepettes realize t hat I buy more clothes when they are on CLEARANCE. I was not so lucky with my little lady yesterday.

My little lady always needs pants. It may be due to her always either pretending she is a horse or a zebra and crawling around on her knees. Of course I think it is FANTASTIC that she has such a GREAT imagination. When she is not pretending to be horse she is playing with the rest of her toy horses, still crawling around on her knees. (and boy can she make noise running her play horses around!). So off we went to Gymboree on the search for pants long enough for my very tall little lady-skinny little waist and long legs make this a very large task! Of course the day we need pants, they are very scarce on the clearance rack.

Quickly she finds a horse long sleeve shirt that she has to have-thank goodness it is WAY on sale (she thinks that she NEEDS and HAS to have anything with a horse on it-almost every shirt she owns is marked with some type of horse). Then from across the store she runs to the panties-not sure how she saw the littlest horse ever on one of the pair of 7 undies at over $20! So my little lady has a melt down over undies. I need to find my own iron on horse and just iron on her current undies at that price. LOL!


We did find some sort of skinny pink pants-Hubs doesn’t really like the skinny jeans, but needs to get with the style. I finally did. Don’t expect to see Hubs wearing any skinny jeans EVER! But your little lady and I like them Hubs!

To Buy or Not to Buy-that is the question?

The answer today was BUY and BUY! I was in a local western store today trying on SKINNY jeans to go with my NEW BLACK fancy boots (I have been looking for BLACK boots for months and haven’t found any I actually LOVE enough to purchase before today). I just had to have the SKINNY jeans to go with those boots to show off how amazing the tops of the boots are-at least that is what I told the hubs. Thankfully he didn’t point out that I already own skinny jeans! Of course he probably knew that I would have a rebuttal to that as he knows me well!.

Thankfully hubs knows of my clothing fetish (again I mean that is a good way). I LOVE clothes. My closet is fairly full (I can always find room for more!). Almost every piece of clothing I buy is at least 50% off-and sometimes up to 90% OFF!!!. I am a VERY frugal shopper-I LOVE THE HUNT for the BEST deal! Most of the women in the family are the same way. Call us cheap or call us frugal, we do not care-but we do care how much money we save!!

Today was a little different than normal as I was shopping at a place in town that really doesn’t have a sale rack-but they have the BEST BOOTS IN TOWN! (Actually I wonder if hubs thought I had finally lost it since shopping at full price).

I just could not resist the BLACK skinny jeans as well as the BLACK boots-western and fancy mixed all together! You can see my boots and I am sure you would agree-
black boots

This time the hunt was for the perfect black COWGIRL BOOTS (and skinny jeans) so I still feel VERY HAPPY!!
