Monthly Archives: April 2014

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A horse and heartbreak (and quite a few tears!)

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What a week we had last week!  My main sorting mare got stuck under a panel and thrashed around and cut the heck out of her right knee and right tendon-the left was scraped up but nothing too deep like the right.

I was surprised how sad I was-I am a very anxious person but I usually can handle situations like this with energy (and stress), but I was so sad I just cried.  I bought this filly as a 2 year old so she hadn’t been ridden much.  I never really had the connection when I started riding her.  She was super hyper-she calmed down with a change of diet and age.  But it still took me years to get that connection with her that I have with my other mare Zoey.  Snazzy and I had become a team in the sorting pen.  We had even started to win some money-but the partnership I had formed with her is now amazing!

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So I finished my two days of sadness and decided to suck it up and take the best care of her I could (of course I did that in the beginning too)!  Snaz is on 4 weeks of stall rest which she is not too keen on.  After two weeks she can have two 5 minute walks per day.


This morning I changed the bandage-and was reminded how bad it is.  Snaz is super sore when I put the gauze (with some triple antibiotic ointment) on the affected area.  The knee area looked better-but the tendon area did not.  I am saying prayers and trying not to worry about my girl!  I haven’t wrapped a horses leg in a while so I took my time and hopefully it stays on for 4 days!  LOL!

So here’s to a better week, healing leg wounds and just healthy kids, horses, family members, dogs, etc!

Ride on my friends!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. We are super close to 26,000 FANS on FACEBOOK! Please share with your friends!

P.P.S.  Thank you all so much for supporting our online outlet.  I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE to save money and LOVE finding items to save you all mula!  Thanks for loving our products so much!



Fresca to veterinarian

The waiting game begins…

Fresca-our sweet broodmare had a dystocia two years ago and hasn’t been bred since. This year we are trying AI!  My little lady and I took her an hour away to get her follicles checked yesterday-and we got to LEAVE HER THERE!  Then I got work today that semen was ordered and she will be AIed tomorrow!  We are very excited to find out the results in 14 days.

Little lady saying goodbye to one of her favorites!

Fresca to veterinarian











Oh and poor Holly is missing her buddy – here is them a couple weekends ago.  Holly is confirmed in foal to Feature Good (Frosty Feature/Pacific Bailey bloodlines)!  We are excited for this baby as well!

prego mares











Hugs to a great rest of the week!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at  Over 25,000 likes!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!  Up to 80% OFF retail prices!

Little Lady, Princess and Snazzy!

This horse has become one of my favs!  She is a Hollywood Dun It granddaughter as as cowy as they come.  Thankfully a friend gave me some tips on how to ride her (embarrassing to admit but I don’t know everything!) and now we get along way better!  As my favorite horse friend says, Snazzy fits me!

I just started sorting a couple times per month and Snazzy has been my sorting partner.  We have had so much fun.  Snazzy ends up SO TIRED so we have been doing some round pen work during the week.  Today I took my little lady and her cow dog Princess to play outside the round pen while I working Snaz.  Princess would run around the outside of the round pen as Snazzy ran on the inside. Every once in a while Princess would jump up the put her paws on the side of the round pen to see what was going on.  It was hilarious-took me a couple times of trying to video it to catch it.  To catch the dog jumping up on the round pen you will have to watch to the end of the video.

What a great dog PRINCESS IS!


Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at Thanks to all of you who helped up get OVER 25,500 LIKES!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!

Horses, horses and more horses!

120HAHAHAHA!  I have been looking for another sorting horse (I did find one that was amazing but was a little out of my price range!).  Hubs was laughing at me today as I found a pony we will be going to look at for the little lady.  He says he can’t keep up with our little lady and I.  LOL!!!  Sorry Hubs (daddy) we just can’t help ourselves!

My little lady and I will keep you posted!

HUBS was watching . . .

Sunday was an afternoon of working outside in pretty nice weather. Yep this time of year in Wyoming we are thrilled at 60 degree weather (however it has snowed off and on since then!).

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(My little lady was RIGHT in the middle of the fence building and the property clean up!  So proud of her!!)

We had to finish a pen to move my Snazzy to-since she is back from the trainer!  We have two of our brood mares in a pasture that we want to  get them off of.  Holly is a nightmare to catch-so I caught Fresca and at the last second I just thought I should just lead Fresca and maybe Holly will follow.


Hubs was putting up fence and tells our oldest boyzee – “this should be interesting-this had better work or mom is going to have to saddle another horse just to get Holly back in a fence.”  I am pretty sure they were laughing and have a heck of a time thinking I was CRAZY!

I wish I could have videoed this.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  I had grabbed some hay on my way out of the other pasture.  Holly followed us down the fence line and RIGHT into the gate to the new run.  I have to admit I was shocked myself that it worked.  However I didn’t have to catch her!

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Heres to…sometimes our plans working out perfectly!  Sometimes we just have to go with our GUT!

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Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at Thanks to all of you who helped up get OVER 25,000 LIKES!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!