Monthly Archives: March 2013


I had a dream a week or so ago that I actually purchased a 1/2 ton pick-up truck due to the technical, computerized stuff in it.  THANKFULLY I WOKE UP (and was very happy I still had my RED 1 TON).  My RED TRUCK has plenying of techy, fun perks-my favorite being able to play music from my iPhone through the bluetooth!

dads truck

Funny that since HUBS dented my truck cab and broke out the window (with the 5th Wheel incident) I am currently driving my dads 1/2 ton.  Now no offence to any of you that drive a 1/2 ton, but I WANT MY 1 TON BACK NOW!  My dads FORD 1/2 ton is VERY WHIMPY compared to my DODGE 1 TON!  (side note: massive thanks to my dad for even letting me borrow his truck-especially since most of what I do daily is driving around!).

Initially when we were looking at trucks for me to haul my own  horses, I had told HUBS a 1 ton was WAY too much truck for me.  After driving the bigger truck for over a year, I realize BIG RED is perfect for me!

big red

In this pic you will see my hillbilliness (yes I think I just made up a word) come out.  I drove around for 4 days with a saddle and blanket holder in the back of my truck.  Some of my real estate colleagues teased me about the last time when I was carting around a water trough for days.  Sometimes I lack TIME!

For the next 10 days (at least) I will be sporting a  1/2 ton (hopefully the body shop can fix my BIG RED faster!) – unless I can get HUBS to trade me me the 1/2 ton for his 1 ton DODGE dually.  The chance of that is fairly slim-but a girlie can dream!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you for LOVING our facebook page.  We are over 5200 LIKES as of today!  We love that you share our pics and contests with your friends!

P.P.S. FUN BLING ALERT!  For the month of April we are having a fun contest.  Check it out here:

Hillbilly Returns

We were almost to our stopping place for the night and needed gas. So hubs gets gas and then backs up; then pulls forward and turns-CRUNCH and the sound of glass breaking. Hubs turned too much and the fifth wheel ran into my beautiful red truck (okay dented my cab and broke out one of the back windows)…OMGOSH. Maybe there were some stronger, worse words used, but my beautiful red truck…

And really POOR HUBS. He feels terrible. I sat in the truck and let him cool down why he cleaned up the mess. The little lady was a lot shaken up since the window was right behind her car seat. Thank GOD she didn’t get hurt! She kept talking about how the crunchy glass was very scary (I think if the Chihuahua could talk she would have said the same thing-as she was worked up too!).

Hubs taped up the window with a piece of cardboard and duck tape. Hubs gets in the truck and says, “Now our truck looks like we are hillbillies too.” I forgot to mention the duck tape is bright a** red. Hubs initially thought this would blend in with the truck. Seriously, I think the standby grey duck tape would have looked better instead of looking like we tried to match the truck and HELLO there is a piece of cardboard where glass goes. LOL!


As we drove on in our journey toward home I thought three things about what happened:
1). Thank GOD my little lady is okay and just a little worked up.
2). Thank GOD Hubs and I are okay
3). Thankfully there is NO damage to the 5th wheel as we are trading it in on a living quarters horse trailer TOMORROW!
AND A BONUS: Someday Hubs and I will laugh our a**es off about this trip and how he dented the cab of my truck blah, blah, blah…or maybe I will just tease him about it. I will let you all know when we start laughing about it-or teasing-I am sure it will be a while!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you so much for visiting, liking and interacting with me on my Facebook page. 4000 likes and counting! If you would like to go to our Facebook page at

P.P.S. Contest is ready! Go to and register to win a frosted glass sporting our logo!

Getting ready for PIGGIES!

I have VERY fond memories of 4-H and FFA. One being my first kiss on the state fair ground (as a very old teenager). But more seriously I was CRAZY about hog showmanship. I practiced and couldn’t wait for my FFA ag advisor to choose me to go to State Fair for our chapter’s representative to State Fair!

I have one of each peepette:…one that thrives on the showmanship and one that thrives on the social aspect of 4-H, which I think either way is GREAT as long as they take care of the piggies!

This year we moved to new place so we had to build a bigger and better pig palace! Hubs and I VOW that this is the last time we will build a piggy palace (thus we won’t move again!), so we made it large enough in case we need more piggy space – the last one was WAY too small, but it was a shed that we were given and fit four piggies (which was great)!

piggy barn

Piggy picking is this coming week (In Colorado-almost to Oklahoma) and the peepettes are VERY excited.
My social Sr Peepette keeps asking all sorts of questions (I completely LOVE it when he is engaged in 4-H stuff): He wants to know when the barn is going to be done, when we are picking out pigs, what we are going to feed them, where we are going to walk them and most importantly, when he will see other 4-Hers (especially a nice girl he met at fair last year) etc. I LOVE IT! The Jr Peepette (remember he is the one that thought I should refer to them as Jr and Sr Peepettes) is more concerned with when he will get to show his pig at a Jack Pot show (seriously we don’t have piggies yet and he want to make sure I don’t FORGET to sign him up for the Jack Pot Shows that haven’t been announced yet).

I really thrive on the excitement of the new year of 4-H. A couple of years ago an extension agent was lecturing all the kids and parents that the parents shouldn’t live through their kids. Well I would have LOVED to stand up and argue with her (although that was against the rules) as I think there is a good way to live through your peepettes! We all can teach them the values of 4-H and raising animals-yes things have changed but the idea is still the same: learn about taking care of and feeding animals, learning how to show the animals and learning how to compete (and hopefully make a little money in the process!).

More will be coming about these peepettes and piggies as it is always interesting (and sometime funny) every single year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until Next Time!
Alisha (AKA Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Please share your story below.
P.P.S. Thank you all for liking our facebook page! We are almost at 4000 likes!
P.P.S.S. We will be posting a link on our facebook page for a fun give away in the next couple of days (hopefully by FRIDAY)! Stay tuned!


Hubs and I drove Grams (My dad’s mom) home last night (to assisted living). Hubs was driving and our little lady was in the back, seated next to her Grandma Greatsy!

grams and i

I put my phone in my purse and just listened to them in the back. I was trying to etch their conversation in my mind to keep for all time! The little lady was talking to her great grandma about how Grandma greatsy could borrow her Dora Dora pink blanket. Grandma Greatsy could bring it back to Wyoming and come visit us (we were visiting in Phoenix). Then when Grandma Greatsy came to visit she could sleep with the little lady. Their chit chatting when on and on.

Brought me back to when I was little and how intently this same Grandma would listen to me. How she would watch me swim in her pool, how she bought me my first cabbage patch doll that I wanted so badly, how her and Gramps would take my brother and I to Circus Circus to play the games almost every summer after their visit to Wyoming, how I learned to ski with Gramps and Grams in their boat as a young child… I have so many great memories of her (and the late Gramps). It is sad to think her mind is going now…but I try to ease the sadness with all we did together when I was also younger. I am also glad my little lady has grams name and has gotten to meet Grams!

Last night before we took her home the family was sitting around my auntie’s dining table talking about the past and Grams said, “Everyone gets old…We can either be happy or sad-I chose to be happy!” That is also true of life isn’t it?

Once again THANK YOU for spending your time with me!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Please share your story below.
P.P.S. Thank you all for liking our facebook page! We are hovering just below 4000 likes!
P.P.S.S. We will be posting a link on our facebook page for a fun give away in the next couple of days! Stay tuned!

Horse and Rider Fun!

[wpvideo rNmZiOt3]

We take off at a dead run…headed for the left WHITE barrel…almost there…THEN MY MARE ZOEY JUMPS 6 FT (felt like more) TO THE RIGHT. Yes she was SCARED of the freaking white barrel. I AM A MAJOR BARREL RACING AMATEUR! Haven’t gone to many barrel races, but do different exercises in the barn that I learned from barrel clinics. We have only ever been somewhere – barn included – where the barrels were dark blue or black.

This particular incident happened at a barrel race-thankfully in exhibition (yes I went home after the exhibition). However, I am happy to report that I stayed on her as she jumped sideways and I made her go around the barrel-IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. Barrel one was TERRIBLE, barrel two was SLIGHTLY better and she actually went around barrel three with a little PRIDE.

I thought to myself, “It was ALMOST PERFECT in my arena”, so when I saw this post on facebook I knew this is exactly what happened to me.

Why? I know what you are all thinking-because I am WAY more relaxed IN MY OWN ARENA! I was as high strung as a rider could get that day. I hadn’t run barrels in front of anyone for a LONG time so I was super nervous!

After getting over the embarrassment and wanting to crawl UNDER my horse to hide, I did see some humor in it. My horse friends and I have laughed about it this week-and I have promised them that I will try again. So everyone will keep me to this-I will go to more than one barrel race a year.

My little lady thought I did GREAT-which made me proud of her. I would have told her the same thing if it would have happened to her-and I presume someday something like this will…

Until next time…

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Tell us about it below!
P.P.S. Please share this blog with your friends. We are over 2150 likes on facebook. Thank you all so much!

Having it all? Possible?

Are you one of “THOSE” women who want to have it all?
I AM ONE OF THOSE WOMEN! I want to have happy, successful children, a happy hubs (of course), a set of busy businesses (why stop at two or three), have plenty of time to ride my horses…Time of course is the limiting factor. I am sure you deal with this on a daily basis as well. Boy can it be tiring…

This morning I thought I would “take it easy,” stay in my jammies, drink some coffee, do some computer work…Then I got to the office and all hell broke loose! Offers coming in, callings coming in for ads, appointments to take care of. I LOVED IT! Fortuantly when life is like this during the day I thrive in it. My brain seems to fire faster and my mind just goes on and on. But now I am TIRED!

So tonight I have an “appointment” with my little lady and jr peepette. We are making our own pizzas. As kind of a controlling Wild Woman, I have pledged to myself that I will let the little lady and the peepettes make as big of a mess as they want, put as much cheese and pepperoni (and olives for the little lady) as they want on their pizza in any order. This will be hard for me but I have told myself that I will concentrate on making my pizza PERFECT! They are going to have a blast-and we will have sauce, pepperoni, cheese and olive slices all over the counter and floor.
BUT when I clean it all up (or Hubs does and I watch drinking my glass of wine-just joking but it sounded nice) I will remember the fun we had not being all that perfect!

THE DAY AFTER : PIZZA NIGHT TURNED OUT AWESOME!Kids had a blast and I think their food tasted better since they made it!


Once again THANK YOU for spending your time with me!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Share your story below.
P.P.S. Freebies coming soon! Stay tuned! Planning as I type!

Retaliation by the Chihuahua

[wpvideo InBhClMc]

Every night I go to bed before Hubs. The mama Chihuahua (Icy Girl)then gets off Bob’s lap to get in bed right next to me-sometimes I think that these dogs actually mirror humans. Icy puts her head on the pillow and has her body under the blanket-

Hubs usually take Icy with him during the day and the babies stay home. Lately he hasn’t taken her with him as has been super busy. We didn’t think Icy really cared one way of the other.

That was until one night Icy was pacing the bed. I was half asleep and thought she was just trying to find the perfect place to lay that night. What she was really doing is pooping on Hubs side of the bed. What the heck!!

Hubs woke me up as he was completely disgusted! I could help but laugh out loud – of course I wouldn’t be laughing if she had pooped on my side of the bed – but the fact that she actually knew where she was pooping and whose side of the bed was the funniest to me (and i quickly went back to sleep!).

Needless to say, Hubs has resumed taking Icy with his wherever he goes during the day. And she has not relieved herself on his side of the bed.
It is a good thing we love these little doggies. I am amazed everyday how loving and just stinking adorable these dogs are! Hubs told me last night that he thought I was crazy when I told him I wanted a Chihuaha – now he can’t imagine our lives without them. We are so glad we are now Chihuahua OWNERS!

Thanks for reading!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Share your story below.

P.P.S. Share with your friends! Our facebooks likes are nearing 1500!!! Thank you all so much!

Some days you are the windshield and some days you are the bug!

Today my husband was the bug and I was the windshield but not at the same time.


I started my day with a fresh blank of white snow a fresh mind and a new day. I finished my work from home around noon and now my day begins to get crazy. It has snowed two days out of three-and last night/this morning it really dumped on us-over 6 inches on top of the 6 we got the day before (which some spots is higher or lower depending on the drifts the snow made yesterday). Hubs hadn’t gotten our main road plowed completely.

As I am pulling up the hill that takes me to our road I see Hubs backing his trailer down the hill-slowly-all of the sudden the trailer and truck slide and he jackknifes the truck and trailer-which crushed the dually wheel well fender and really dented the front corner of the enclosed trailer. I think I may have held my breath from the time he slid until he got the truck trailer straight again and got out of his truck </em>(and put my truck in 4-wheel drive). Hubs is pretty good at keeping cools, but he WAS P**SED! I tried to say that “things like this happen,” but decided to get back in my truck, go on my way and call him later after the steam stopped coming out of his ears. Poor Hubs! He LOVES THAT truck! He did eventually shake it off, but still a little upset about that truck.

I on the other hand had a FANTASTIC day. I was busier than a bee. Real estate call, after real estate call-a complete nut house, but somehow that is how I work the best and am completely on my game! Still working at 6 pm I showed a couple with three kids their house (that they had put under contract this past weekend). There is something catching about a family of five being elated about their new digs. The kids ran around checking out (for at least the third time) each room with complete joy! The wife was planning where everything would go and the hubs was letting his wife just be happy. It completed my day like no other day I have had lately. I thought to myself as I said goodbye to them-this is why I sell houses-to help people realize their home purchasing dreams and build their life in their home.
So quite the day we both have had.

Thanks for reading!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Share your story below.

P.P.S. Share with your friends! Our facebooks likes are nearing 1000!!!! Thank you all so much!