Category Archives: Boyzees

HUBS was watching . . .

Sunday was an afternoon of working outside in pretty nice weather. Yep this time of year in Wyoming we are thrilled at 60 degree weather (however it has snowed off and on since then!).

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(My little lady was RIGHT in the middle of the fence building and the property clean up!  So proud of her!!)

We had to finish a pen to move my Snazzy to-since she is back from the trainer!  We have two of our brood mares in a pasture that we want to  get them off of.  Holly is a nightmare to catch-so I caught Fresca and at the last second I just thought I should just lead Fresca and maybe Holly will follow.


Hubs was putting up fence and tells our oldest boyzee – “this should be interesting-this had better work or mom is going to have to saddle another horse just to get Holly back in a fence.”  I am pretty sure they were laughing and have a heck of a time thinking I was CRAZY!

I wish I could have videoed this.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  I had grabbed some hay on my way out of the other pasture.  Holly followed us down the fence line and RIGHT into the gate to the new run.  I have to admit I was shocked myself that it worked.  However I didn’t have to catch her!

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Heres to…sometimes our plans working out perfectly!  Sometimes we just have to go with our GUT!

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Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  Find us on Facebook at Thanks to all of you who helped up get OVER 25,000 LIKES!

P.P.S  Go over to to find the BEST DEALS on your favorite Western Items!


My little lady and the tooth fairy (almost)!

Most of you know that I am a worry wart.  I fret internally.  I do know very well that it is a waste of my effort, time, energy, brain power etc.  The busier I am the LESS I worry—thankfully!  I have several friends that understand my very bad habit!

My worrying looked my right in the eyes last night via my little lady.  She comes running downstairs yelling, “I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH.”  She was so excited.  It is just loose enough to move back and forth.  Her brothers were trying to tell to just pull the tooth on now or she would swallow it…then the worrying begins.  She crawls into bed with me and my five year old little lady sounded so grown up as she fires away questions/statements (though her large tears):

  • “Mom I am very worried that I am going to swallow this tooth in my sleep.”
  • “Will the tooth fairy come if I swallow it?”
  • As she is moving the loose tooth around, “Oh NO MOM the one next to it is loose too!!!!”
  • My VERY favorite was, “Mom I am not sure it is worth losing a tooth.  The tooth fairy doesn’t bring enough money to make me want to lose my tooth.”  At this point I am really trying not to giggle-to the point my eyes are watering.
  • “Mom I just am so worried…”

(about this time Hubs pipes in – under his breath  – “I think she may have inherited THAT personality trait from you as well.”) My little lady is my mini me-completely me, but I like to tease hubs when she is stubborn that it is all him-even though it not (don’t tell him I just admitted that IN WRITING!).

  • “Mom how am I going to go to sleep with this lose tooth!”

The trials and tribulations of growing up!

The tooth has not yet “fallen” out…details to follow how the two teeth make their exit from the little lady’s mouth!!!

little lady teeth

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  We just exceeded 25,000 likes on facebook.  What a journey we have had in the last year!  I have really enjoyed getting to know you and just having fun!  Visit our facebook page at

P.P.S.  Save up to 80% at our outlet western store.  Your favorite western brands for less!!  Flip FLOP weather IS COMING! Great deal on the web store!!

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Go Pros, Snow and Horses!

Tonight I really wish I owned a Go Pro camera.  The boyzees, Princess (our cow dog aka feeding partner) and I went down to the barn to do chores. It was after dark, the moon was full and bright and we were all a little tired from the week. The boyzees each had sport practices tonight.  At the barn we needed to feed, fill waterers and move hay around for the next week-we had been putting off moving bales of hay for quite a few days!

Diamond, our 7 month old filly is now full time in a pasture-we never stall her because of what we thought was muscle probs.  We now think maybe she just needs to be in a large run/pasture always!  We have been hauling water by bucket fulls for a while as she is in a large run with a shelter that is no where near water or electricity.  So tonight we moved a large water trough and started hooking hoses together.  Four VERY LONG hoses later we had the hose long enough to reach from the water spigot to the water trough.  Little side note:  HUBS had to fix a hose and he thinks this past summer he had a great reason to put two female ends on one hose. So the boys and I are in moonlight only (we finally broke down and used the flashlight on the cell phone) to put the hoses together.  After a long laugh we figured it out and got the hoses organized.

I do think the horses were all wondering what the he** we were doing laughing, hollering and carrying  on.  That Go Pro would have come in handy tonight just because it was all funny to the boyzees and I!!!

We also moved had to all the pastures to make feeding (especially in the mornings) a little easier on HUBS!

Boyzees and Hubs think I am a bad driver.  EVERYTIME the snow (currently from the night before last) drifts I seem to get stuck in a snow drift in my one ton truck.  All the males in my household think it is me.  So driving back up to the house from the barn took  three tries-which gave the boyzees a good laugh when they told hubs!

Tonight I am thankful for the laughs and memories I made tonight night with my boyzees.  It was the absolute highlight of my day!  It just doesn’t get any better!

So horses are watered and fed and we all are sleepy…Have a GREAT evening!


Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S.  We just exceeded 22,500 likes on facebook.  What a journey we have had in the last year!  I have really enjoyed getting to know you and just having fun!  Visit our facebook page at

P.P.S.  Save up to 80% at our outlet western store.  Your favorite western brands for less!!

P.P.S.S. Does anyone own a Go Pro?  How do you like it?  What do you use it for?  I was thinking I should get one.  Lots of uses-spying on the horses when I am gone at work; wearing on my head while I feed with the boys to capture laughs and memories with them; and I am pretty sure the boyzees could think of ways to use it too!

God’s Plan VS. Mine…

(*Written at the beginning of June)

I am a planner. I have a plan for everything: My day, my business, a vacation, dinner, my horses, time with the kids, etc. (Which has given me three children who simply MUST know the plan at all times – kind-of makes me want to break my planning habit.)

A soon as I got pregnant, (with each of my kids), I planned what their room would be like and what their name would be depending on sex.  I start planning what they would wear home, how I would situate the other kiddos to make room for the new baby.  I can’t help it – I could never wait to “get past the iffy time”  -12 weeks/1st trimester. My mind just started planning all of the baby things!  This time I thought there is no way a miscarriage could happen (again) when I had 3 beautiful, healthy angels. (Okay maybe they aren’t always angels – but they are my little whatevers when they’re naughty.  I love them good or naughty!)

For the second time in a row, my dreams were shattered today.

As I laid in the doctor’s office and heard, “There is no heartbeat,” I was in shock.  “Did she really just say that?” I wondered.  She continued, “The baby didn’t grow at all from last time.”  On my last visit, the doc was worried the fetus was smaller than she should have been, but I was sure it would be okay. I took it easy, took prenatals and ate really good.  I was just sure today would be okay.

Of course I did do my share of fretting the last couple days.  I thought I hadn’t felt as sick as I had before.  Hubs said I was worrying and it was the busy weekend that had me distracted.  I prayed silently that he was right, but fretted anyway. This morning my blood pressure was even higher than my normal when it was taken at the doctor’s office.

I was debating whether or not to share this with you, but I know many other women have gone through this and they are sad, too. My personality is to be strong, keep it together – but today I simply can’t.  I am heartbroken this happened to me and my family.  We were so excited to have another little one running around.  This makes me all the more thankful for the ones I have.  But I can help but wonder about my two “what could have beens.” I know it is God’s plan for us…but it is a hard one to swallow today.

Many of my friends have had the same thing happen and they’ve been right there cheering me on, understanding the pain, telling me once again it will get better.  I sure hope it does…

And today, I am saying prayers for any of YOU who are waiting for your first trimester to pass…and I pray that you have a healthy baby!

A very sad Wild Woman of the West.


P.S.  I ordered this bracelet as it is was a message to me this week:

One of the things taught by Gramps!


Those were the words the family yelled often from behind the boat on skis, boogie board (the family favorite) or tubes in the summers at Shaver Lake in California.  Gramps would not accelerate the boat until he heard those words!


The smell of the gas and water on our current boat instantly takes me back to Gramp’s boat and the fun we had.  He pulled my cousins and I all over that lake.  It was such a treat for my brother and I to get to go to Shaver Lake with Grandma and Grandpa as we lived in Wyoming.  We would get to go every summer to Bakersfield, CA and hang out with our grandparents for and other family for a couple weeks.  And besides the skiing and boogie boarding we had a blast camping!  Grandma would pack “cokes” and tons of snacks and we spent the day on the boat.  I learned to ski behind that 1970 something boat.  I am not sure how many times my aunt helped me in the water to learn how to ski, but I am pretty sure it was a ton of times!

Today out on the lake I was thinking of the first time Hubs and I took our boat out-I remember skiing that weekend-getting up on the first try on my new skis purchase right after the boat!  When I got back in the boat the first person I called was Gramps to tell him about it-it had been well over 15 years since I had skied behind his boat or any boat for that matter!  He was proud that we were carrying on the boating tradition and told me it was a great way to spend time with family.

christ boat

I wished I could call him today after the boys rode on the tub together (it was so funny you had to be there to see their faces and hear their loud laughter above the sound of the boat motor) and were going in and out of the wake, but I know he was watching from above and laughing along with us.

cate angus and boat

As I looked at Hubs driving our boat I can’t help but think of my Gramps.  Gramps rarely let anyone else drive the boat (like Hubs), Gramps would drive around the lake pulling kids on tubes at nauseum (like Hubs), Gramps was one of the most patient men I have ever met (almost like Hubs-LOL-he lack of patience most likely due to his high strung wife-LOL!), Gramps only got all the way in the water when the heat was beyond squelching (again like my Hubs!).

The boyzees and my little lady had a blast at the lady.  Until next time at the lake….

kellen boat

Nice seeing you all today!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)


P.S.  The three Chihuahuas had a blast at the lake too.  We park on “Sandy Beach” which is my little lady’s favorite place to play in the water (while hubs waxes the boat ).  Little Angus was swimming around.  It was funny to see my little 3 lb Chihuahua swim in a lake.  The 3 chis ran along the water and through the sand (of course getting  covered) until the were to tired to run anymore!

dogs on boat

P.S.S The boyzees and my little lady are already asking if we can go back to the lake tomorrow – which is not slightly possible-but cute.  Hubs and I are super glad they had a good time!

P.P.S. Stay tuned as in the next couple of days we will have a free offer that we know you will LOVE!!!!

P.P.S.S.  We would love to hear some of your favorite memories of your grandparents.  Comment below or on our facebook page at