Tag Archives: western life

Little Lady, Princess and Snazzy!

This horse has become one of my favs!  She is a Hollywood Dun It granddaughter as as cowy as they come.  Thankfully a friend gave me some tips on how to ride her (embarrassing to admit but I don’t know everything!) and now we get along way better!  As my favorite horse friend says, Snazzy fits me!

I just started sorting a couple times per month and Snazzy has been my sorting partner.  We have had so much fun.  Snazzy ends up SO TIRED so we have been doing some round pen work during the week.  Today I took my little lady and her cow dog Princess to play outside the round pen while I working Snaz.  Princess would run around the outside of the round pen as Snazzy ran on the inside. Every once in a while Princess would jump up the put her paws on the side of the round pen to see what was going on.  It was hilarious-took me a couple times of trying to video it to catch it.  To catch the dog jumping up on the round pen you will have to watch to the end of the video.

What a great dog PRINCESS IS!


Have a wild western life!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

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