
All this snow has been GREAT as we really needed it.  It adds lots of animals related work!  I actually LOVE when the horses are in the barn in their stalls-it seems like I get more one on one time with each of them as they aren’t all in a group.  I have gotten to pet them more, brush them more, talk to them more and just be around them more (yes the snow day helped)!  One other thing I do more is clean the stalls.  This morning I spent well over and hour-which I really enjoyed-cleaning stalls-AND subsequently getting a work out.  Mucking out stalls, hauling hay and wood shavings gets my heart pumping!  I joke with my friends that doing all that is FREE (well maybe not since I am paying for the horses, hay, etc!) cross fit as it is life and it is EXERCISE-EVEN IF IT IS NOT AT THE GYM!

I cleaned my main mares stall and had to share a pic as she is “stall trained” and a very “clean” horse.  She poops and pees in one area and it is super easy to clean her stall.  Not so much for other four of them!

Zoey Bear

The cats were soaking up the hot sun as I cleaned the stalls and fed everyone.

cats soaking up the sun!

This morning the boys stayed home from school (I thought it was going to be worse than yesterday – WHICH IT WASN’T) so they helped me with the horsies after they fed their 4-H piggies and goats.

After chores (and I went to the office) the boys sledded and sledded and built jumps and sledded some more!  HUBS said they had a FREAKING blast outside-which made me feel slightly better that they didn’t play video games all day,  but did some sort of exercise!  LOL!

The sun is HOT so now we can bring on the MUD!!!!!!!

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