Tag Archives: grandparents

One of the things taught by Gramps!


Those were the words the family yelled often from behind the boat on skis, boogie board (the family favorite) or tubes in the summers at Shaver Lake in California.  Gramps would not accelerate the boat until he heard those words!


The smell of the gas and water on our current boat instantly takes me back to Gramp’s boat and the fun we had.  He pulled my cousins and I all over that lake.  It was such a treat for my brother and I to get to go to Shaver Lake with Grandma and Grandpa as we lived in Wyoming.  We would get to go every summer to Bakersfield, CA and hang out with our grandparents for and other family for a couple weeks.  And besides the skiing and boogie boarding we had a blast camping!  Grandma would pack “cokes” and tons of snacks and we spent the day on the boat.  I learned to ski behind that 1970 something boat.  I am not sure how many times my aunt helped me in the water to learn how to ski, but I am pretty sure it was a ton of times!

Today out on the lake I was thinking of the first time Hubs and I took our boat out-I remember skiing that weekend-getting up on the first try on my new skis purchase right after the boat!  When I got back in the boat the first person I called was Gramps to tell him about it-it had been well over 15 years since I had skied behind his boat or any boat for that matter!  He was proud that we were carrying on the boating tradition and told me it was a great way to spend time with family.

christ boat

I wished I could call him today after the boys rode on the tub together (it was so funny you had to be there to see their faces and hear their loud laughter above the sound of the boat motor) and were going in and out of the wake, but I know he was watching from above and laughing along with us.

cate angus and boat

As I looked at Hubs driving our boat I can’t help but think of my Gramps.  Gramps rarely let anyone else drive the boat (like Hubs), Gramps would drive around the lake pulling kids on tubes at nauseum (like Hubs), Gramps was one of the most patient men I have ever met (almost like Hubs-LOL-he lack of patience most likely due to his high strung wife-LOL!), Gramps only got all the way in the water when the heat was beyond squelching (again like my Hubs!).

The boyzees and my little lady had a blast at the lady.  Until next time at the lake….

kellen boat

Nice seeing you all today!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)


P.S.  The three Chihuahuas had a blast at the lake too.  We park on “Sandy Beach” which is my little lady’s favorite place to play in the water (while hubs waxes the boat ).  Little Angus was swimming around.  It was funny to see my little 3 lb Chihuahua swim in a lake.  The 3 chis ran along the water and through the sand (of course getting  covered) until the were to tired to run anymore!

dogs on boat

P.S.S The boyzees and my little lady are already asking if we can go back to the lake tomorrow – which is not slightly possible-but cute.  Hubs and I are super glad they had a good time!

P.P.S. Stay tuned as in the next couple of days we will have a free offer that we know you will LOVE!!!!

P.P.S.S.  We would love to hear some of your favorite memories of your grandparents.  Comment below or on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/wildwomanofthewest


Hubs and I drove Grams (My dad’s mom) home last night (to assisted living). Hubs was driving and our little lady was in the back, seated next to her Grandma Greatsy!

grams and i

I put my phone in my purse and just listened to them in the back. I was trying to etch their conversation in my mind to keep for all time! The little lady was talking to her great grandma about how Grandma greatsy could borrow her Dora Dora pink blanket. Grandma Greatsy could bring it back to Wyoming and come visit us (we were visiting in Phoenix). Then when Grandma Greatsy came to visit she could sleep with the little lady. Their chit chatting when on and on.

Brought me back to when I was little and how intently this same Grandma would listen to me. How she would watch me swim in her pool, how she bought me my first cabbage patch doll that I wanted so badly, how her and Gramps would take my brother and I to Circus Circus to play the games almost every summer after their visit to Wyoming, how I learned to ski with Gramps and Grams in their boat as a young child… I have so many great memories of her (and the late Gramps). It is sad to think her mind is going now…but I try to ease the sadness with all we did together when I was also younger. I am also glad my little lady has grams name and has gotten to meet Grams!

Last night before we took her home the family was sitting around my auntie’s dining table talking about the past and Grams said, “Everyone gets old…We can either be happy or sad-I chose to be happy!” That is also true of life isn’t it?

Once again THANK YOU for spending your time with me!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Please share your story below.
P.P.S. Thank you all for liking our facebook page! We are hovering just below 4000 likes!
P.P.S.S. We will be posting a link on our facebook page for a fun give away in the next couple of days! Stay tuned!