Tag Archives: pigs

Getting ready for PIGGIES!

I have VERY fond memories of 4-H and FFA. One being my first kiss on the state fair ground (as a very old teenager). But more seriously I was CRAZY about hog showmanship. I practiced and couldn’t wait for my FFA ag advisor to choose me to go to State Fair for our chapter’s representative to State Fair!

I have one of each peepette:…one that thrives on the showmanship and one that thrives on the social aspect of 4-H, which I think either way is GREAT as long as they take care of the piggies!

This year we moved to new place so we had to build a bigger and better pig palace! Hubs and I VOW that this is the last time we will build a piggy palace (thus we won’t move again!), so we made it large enough in case we need more piggy space – the last one was WAY too small, but it was a shed that we were given and fit four piggies (which was great)!

piggy barn

Piggy picking is this coming week (In Colorado-almost to Oklahoma) and the peepettes are VERY excited.
My social Sr Peepette keeps asking all sorts of questions (I completely LOVE it when he is engaged in 4-H stuff): He wants to know when the barn is going to be done, when we are picking out pigs, what we are going to feed them, where we are going to walk them and most importantly, when he will see other 4-Hers (especially a nice girl he met at fair last year) etc. I LOVE IT! The Jr Peepette (remember he is the one that thought I should refer to them as Jr and Sr Peepettes) is more concerned with when he will get to show his pig at a Jack Pot show (seriously we don’t have piggies yet and he want to make sure I don’t FORGET to sign him up for the Jack Pot Shows that haven’t been announced yet).

I really thrive on the excitement of the new year of 4-H. A couple of years ago an extension agent was lecturing all the kids and parents that the parents shouldn’t live through their kids. Well I would have LOVED to stand up and argue with her (although that was against the rules) as I think there is a good way to live through your peepettes! We all can teach them the values of 4-H and raising animals-yes things have changed but the idea is still the same: learn about taking care of and feeding animals, learning how to show the animals and learning how to compete (and hopefully make a little money in the process!).

More will be coming about these peepettes and piggies as it is always interesting (and sometime funny) every single year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until Next Time!
Alisha (AKA Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Are you a Wild Woman of the West? Please share your story below.
P.P.S. Thank you all for liking our facebook page! We are almost at 4000 likes!
P.P.S.S. We will be posting a link on our facebook page for a fun give away in the next couple of days (hopefully by FRIDAY)! Stay tuned!