Deal Seeking Cowgirlie!!!

I would prefer the term Deal seeking Cowgirlie to tight a** and my friends and family have called me both!  All my life I have always looked for the smokin’ deal on my clothes, fun house stuff, kids clothes, furniture etc.  Members of my family joke that we all the deal “gene” from our Grams Cathron-she is a coupon cutting, sale finding machine  (at 90).  I have a cousin who is the same way with coupons-she saves booooooocuuu bucks on food and really everything else!

I also have been a clothing fanatic all my life-I love clothes-so in order to have a lot of them –I have to find them on major sales.  Most of the clothing stores in town know me by name and know I make a beeline for the most mark down sales rack.   The ladies that work in the stores even call me sometimes when they are having major mark downs.

Because of my great deal finding “skills” lots of friends have me go shopping with them.  They tease me a little (for fun) and always make a point of asking how much my outfit of the day costs.  I have saved many of my friends lots of mullah!

FOR YEARS I have been told I should be a personal shopper and find the deals for people-which gave me an idea-to put all the deals in one place (out Wild Woman of the West Online Outlet Store) and with the help of a smart web guy I have done it!

We talking up to 80% off retail and I am continuing to search out deals to put on the website.  My goal is to someday have boots on there-but that is one hard sale to find!  However coming soon is bridles, super cute purses (even cowhide!!!) and more!

Have a blast shopping!  And one last thing…FREE SHIPPING in the US!!!

Thank you for being with us today!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. You can shop at


P.S.S.  We will be sharing new items on our facebook page so be sure to like our page!

P.P.S.  One of my favorite photographers has graced our Outlet store with her amazing pics that she takes on horseback!  I don’t think we can get more western than that!!!  Check this one out at×14. This one is called Little Bay.  One of my favs!






God’s Plan VS. Mine…

(*Written at the beginning of June)

I am a planner. I have a plan for everything: My day, my business, a vacation, dinner, my horses, time with the kids, etc. (Which has given me three children who simply MUST know the plan at all times – kind-of makes me want to break my planning habit.)

A soon as I got pregnant, (with each of my kids), I planned what their room would be like and what their name would be depending on sex.  I start planning what they would wear home, how I would situate the other kiddos to make room for the new baby.  I can’t help it – I could never wait to “get past the iffy time”  -12 weeks/1st trimester. My mind just started planning all of the baby things!  This time I thought there is no way a miscarriage could happen (again) when I had 3 beautiful, healthy angels. (Okay maybe they aren’t always angels – but they are my little whatevers when they’re naughty.  I love them good or naughty!)

For the second time in a row, my dreams were shattered today.

As I laid in the doctor’s office and heard, “There is no heartbeat,” I was in shock.  “Did she really just say that?” I wondered.  She continued, “The baby didn’t grow at all from last time.”  On my last visit, the doc was worried the fetus was smaller than she should have been, but I was sure it would be okay. I took it easy, took prenatals and ate really good.  I was just sure today would be okay.

Of course I did do my share of fretting the last couple days.  I thought I hadn’t felt as sick as I had before.  Hubs said I was worrying and it was the busy weekend that had me distracted.  I prayed silently that he was right, but fretted anyway. This morning my blood pressure was even higher than my normal when it was taken at the doctor’s office.

I was debating whether or not to share this with you, but I know many other women have gone through this and they are sad, too. My personality is to be strong, keep it together – but today I simply can’t.  I am heartbroken this happened to me and my family.  We were so excited to have another little one running around.  This makes me all the more thankful for the ones I have.  But I can help but wonder about my two “what could have beens.” I know it is God’s plan for us…but it is a hard one to swallow today.

Many of my friends have had the same thing happen and they’ve been right there cheering me on, understanding the pain, telling me once again it will get better.  I sure hope it does…

And today, I am saying prayers for any of YOU who are waiting for your first trimester to pass…and I pray that you have a healthy baby!

A very sad Wild Woman of the West.


P.S.  I ordered this bracelet as it is was a message to me this week:

One of the things taught by Gramps!


Those were the words the family yelled often from behind the boat on skis, boogie board (the family favorite) or tubes in the summers at Shaver Lake in California.  Gramps would not accelerate the boat until he heard those words!


The smell of the gas and water on our current boat instantly takes me back to Gramp’s boat and the fun we had.  He pulled my cousins and I all over that lake.  It was such a treat for my brother and I to get to go to Shaver Lake with Grandma and Grandpa as we lived in Wyoming.  We would get to go every summer to Bakersfield, CA and hang out with our grandparents for and other family for a couple weeks.  And besides the skiing and boogie boarding we had a blast camping!  Grandma would pack “cokes” and tons of snacks and we spent the day on the boat.  I learned to ski behind that 1970 something boat.  I am not sure how many times my aunt helped me in the water to learn how to ski, but I am pretty sure it was a ton of times!

Today out on the lake I was thinking of the first time Hubs and I took our boat out-I remember skiing that weekend-getting up on the first try on my new skis purchase right after the boat!  When I got back in the boat the first person I called was Gramps to tell him about it-it had been well over 15 years since I had skied behind his boat or any boat for that matter!  He was proud that we were carrying on the boating tradition and told me it was a great way to spend time with family.

christ boat

I wished I could call him today after the boys rode on the tub together (it was so funny you had to be there to see their faces and hear their loud laughter above the sound of the boat motor) and were going in and out of the wake, but I know he was watching from above and laughing along with us.

cate angus and boat

As I looked at Hubs driving our boat I can’t help but think of my Gramps.  Gramps rarely let anyone else drive the boat (like Hubs), Gramps would drive around the lake pulling kids on tubes at nauseum (like Hubs), Gramps was one of the most patient men I have ever met (almost like Hubs-LOL-he lack of patience most likely due to his high strung wife-LOL!), Gramps only got all the way in the water when the heat was beyond squelching (again like my Hubs!).

The boyzees and my little lady had a blast at the lady.  Until next time at the lake….

kellen boat

Nice seeing you all today!

Alisha (aka Wild Woman of the West)


P.S.  The three Chihuahuas had a blast at the lake too.  We park on “Sandy Beach” which is my little lady’s favorite place to play in the water (while hubs waxes the boat ).  Little Angus was swimming around.  It was funny to see my little 3 lb Chihuahua swim in a lake.  The 3 chis ran along the water and through the sand (of course getting  covered) until the were to tired to run anymore!

dogs on boat

P.S.S The boyzees and my little lady are already asking if we can go back to the lake tomorrow – which is not slightly possible-but cute.  Hubs and I are super glad they had a good time!

P.P.S. Stay tuned as in the next couple of days we will have a free offer that we know you will LOVE!!!!

P.P.S.S.  We would love to hear some of your favorite memories of your grandparents.  Comment below or on our facebook page at

New life is amazing!

I knew the night that our mare, Jeny was going to have her baby!  So about 10 minutes after the filly was born I got there-doesn’t that just figure.  I had set my alarm for 2:30 am to go check on her and about 2:20 am I woke up startled-so I boogied down to the barn.  What a cute little filly.  I instantly fell in love with her (as did the rest of the fam)!

at birth

Before the little filly was born I couldn’t for the life of me think of a name. I got out the AQHA papers of the mare and stud and still couldn’t figure out.  Hubs and I brainstormed name ideas the night she was born.

When I walked into the stall at 2:30 am and saw the lopsided diamond on her forehead I instantly knew her name had to be Diamond.  And you know what they say, Diamonds are a girls best friend!  My little lady already says they are best friends!!!

My little lady and little Diamond have the most adorable relationship with the panel fence between them!  There is sniffing and petting and talking to each other!  All of that stops when they are face to face!  It is hilarious!  They are both terrified of the other when the panel is not between them.


I love getting close to Diamond.  She follows me around the field and their round pen.  She loves her neck petted but NOT HER EARS!  It is relaxing to watch her run and buck around!



Thanks for reading!

Wild Woman of the West!

P.S. Stop by our Facebook Fan Page and give us a like at

P.P.S. We have something really fun planned so stay tuned!


Here we go again!

Me in Ralph

I thought that it was suppose to be SPRING! Tomorrow by evening it will be 30 degrees and snowing. Today the wind is BLOWING like CRAZY!

I went to feed tonight and felt like the wind was going to blow the 4-wheeler – who I named Ralph – up into the sky. Hubs put the cover on Ralph and it makes the weirdest sound when driving it in the wind!

We need moisture but I want Spring.

How about that COWGIRL!

our little ladyMy little lady has become really into music.  Her favorite for the last 6 months (or since the album came out) Miranda Lambert, “This Ain’t My Mamas Broken Heart!”  Even before it was on the radio I  played it from my iPhone multiple times a day!  Now my little lady thinks the radio plays her favorite song for her!

So Miranda’s song was her favorite song until Hubs played, “How Bout Them Cowgirls” by George Strait.  My little lady LOVES IT!  After it was over she asked Hubs, “I know he (George Strait) is singing that song for me, but why isn’t he using my name instead of cowgirl?”  Hubs and I are still laughing about this! Hubs said to our little lady, “He is singing that song to you and calling you COWGIRL!”

I love the things my little lady says!  She is my little cowgirl!



All this snow has been GREAT as we really needed it.  It adds lots of animals related work!  I actually LOVE when the horses are in the barn in their stalls-it seems like I get more one on one time with each of them as they aren’t all in a group.  I have gotten to pet them more, brush them more, talk to them more and just be around them more (yes the snow day helped)!  One other thing I do more is clean the stalls.  This morning I spent well over and hour-which I really enjoyed-cleaning stalls-AND subsequently getting a work out.  Mucking out stalls, hauling hay and wood shavings gets my heart pumping!  I joke with my friends that doing all that is FREE (well maybe not since I am paying for the horses, hay, etc!) cross fit as it is life and it is EXERCISE-EVEN IF IT IS NOT AT THE GYM!

I cleaned my main mares stall and had to share a pic as she is “stall trained” and a very “clean” horse.  She poops and pees in one area and it is super easy to clean her stall.  Not so much for other four of them!

Zoey Bear

The cats were soaking up the hot sun as I cleaned the stalls and fed everyone.

cats soaking up the sun!

This morning the boys stayed home from school (I thought it was going to be worse than yesterday – WHICH IT WASN’T) so they helped me with the horsies after they fed their 4-H piggies and goats.

After chores (and I went to the office) the boys sledded and sledded and built jumps and sledded some more!  HUBS said they had a FREAKING blast outside-which made me feel slightly better that they didn’t play video games all day,  but did some sort of exercise!  LOL!

The sun is HOT so now we can bring on the MUD!!!!!!!


On Monday I joked with many people that I hoped school was cancelled and we had a snow day on Tuesday!  Well when I woke up this morning I sent the peepettes to school and had my own snow day.  My little lady’s school was cancelled, but the peepeete’s school was in session.  Actually, hind sight is 20/20 as I really should have just kept them home.  The roads were ridiculous!  School should have been cancelled and if I was guessing I would say that tomorrow they will cancel school and it will stop snowing and be a semi-nice day-the school district got a lot of sh*t today on facebook (which they deleted-but some of us saw) for not closing school.

I did work some from home.  I DO ADMIT that I didn’t do as much as I told myself I would do.  This morning when I fed, I got to take my time.  Usually I am rushing around like a fast walking, fast hay throwing, water flinging wild woman of the west! This morning all the horses got a curry combing and some petting time.  It was fantastic.  Even though it was cold outside this morning, in the stall barn I was in HEAVEN. It wasn’t that cold inside and it was so nice taking my time!  Tonight I dawdled a little, but it was colder!  And much snowier!  We have over 20 inches and it is still snowing.  I have been THANKING GOD that we are getting this much snow (and that I got a snow day)!

The peepettes have talked me into letting them stay home tomorrow if the roads are still this bad and it is still snowing (if a snow day is not called).  I may not win the best mom of the year but I will be the most popular MOMMY-O in my household (WHICH I LOVE)!

When the peepettes got home and after they fed their  4-H animals, they went sledding in their cowboy boots (as they had left their snow boots outside and they got COVERED AND LOST by the snow).  They had a blast as you can see!  AND…I had so much fun watching them from the warm house with a brewski in hand!

[wpvideo k9qweXNZ]

Hope all of your are soaking up the sun somewhere warm OR AT LEAST staying warm  in all this snow.

I leave you tonight saying SNOW ON!  HEHEHEH!

Alisha (AKA Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you for LOVING our facebook page. We HIT over 6000 LIKES!   OMGOSH!  Thank you!  You are all FANTASTIC!

P.P.S. FUN BLING ALERT! For the month of April we are having a fun contest. Check it out here: .  This is one of the FUN gifts in the BLING BASKET!



P.P.S.S.  ANOTHER GIVEAWAY! Enter to win our Bold and Brash Body Cream!  This contest ends this FRIDAY (04/12/2013)!



Is your HUBS a pessimist or an optimist?  My HUBS is a diehard optimist to the freaking core!  He is so optimistic sometimes I get annoyed at him.  I however am a complete pessimist (I do try to hide this fact as much as possible as it is NOT something I am proud of).  This is something I consistently fight now to be.  I actually joke that a pessimist is an educated optimist!

The fact that hubs is an optimist is what really grounds me and evens me out.  If you hadn’t figured out by now I am VERY HIGH STRUNG and ENERGENIC.  HUBS is WAY more CALM!  He reminds me a lot NOT to go negative but look on the positive side.  Sometimes I make myself find one positive thing out of a situation I see is negative-mostly due to him reminding me to do so (LOL)!

One of my most favorite things about HUBS beside him being a FANTASTIC DADDYO, is how much he loves the horses.  He completely understands my obsession and supports me in it.  OUR horses LOVE him and can feel his patience (as they know I don’t have a lot) and calmness (another thing I lack-LOL).

I found this picture/saying and thought, “THAT IS EXACTLY HOW MY HUBS IS!”  I might even take a pic like this (if I can coax HUBS into it AND it stops snowing in the near future!).

hub horse

He does whatever he has to do to help and take care of the horses.  He gets worried when a foal is about to be born and taking too long like me or when one seems to have a belly ache, etc and just has a genuine interest in them partly because I do…I am one lucky Wild Woman of the West!

And the cowgirl rides again…

My little lady is my horse girl!  She would rather ride her quarter/pony Sage them to play with her dolls. Any opportunity to ride she is there!

Earlier this week she had an opportunity to ride.  Some other little girls were at our house while their dads were riding.   I was just going to take turns leading the girlies on Sage.

The two older little ladies (mine and another one) wanted to ride by themselves. They both know how so I let those two ride by themselves.  In between their rides I would lead the smaller little lady around the arena.  After about an hour and a half my little lady rode for the last time-she rode to the other side of the arena.

She was having a blast I turn around the corner on my eye I see the 19-year-old pony/quarter horse bucking…with my little lady on her.  I was running toward them yelling: oh sh*t, oh sh*t…

(Side note here her horse riding teacher trains her to ride two-handed on the rains and not use the horn so she didn’t grab the horn).

SO A RECAP:  One buck, two buck, three buck THEN my little lady is on the ground.  That pony bucked 3 times and my little lady stayed on without holding the horn.   WHAT!

My little lady landed on her belly-dirt all over her body!  She was fine; just a little rattled. As she was crying and I was hugging her very tight!  I told her she had to get back on—-

There were other people in the arena that helped me coax her back on.

After a prayer that she wouldn’t be fearful she got back on—then I RAN inside with her—and gave her a warm bath!!

The part that is so amazing is she didn’t have fear—-she wanted to get back on HER horse! And she didn’t want her trainer to be mad at her horse…

Another proud mama moment!

As she lay next to me about that night–I couldn’t let her sleep in her own bed after the bucking incident–she said, “Mommy are you disappointed in me?”   I asked her why she thought that???  I was amazed that she was thinking that!

My little lady thought that since she didn’t stay on, I would be disappointed. How does a four-year-old grasp that concept?

I explained her over and over again that night that I was so proud of her that she was such a big girl!

And I also told her the next time if it ever happens that she needs to grab the saddle horn!

A couple days later when it was time for her training lesson I was even more proud that she got back up on that horse and had no problems the entire lesson.

When she was done with her lesson I had a toy zebra waiting for her she fell asleep with her arm around that hard zebra last night.


Ever since then the zebra now goes everywhere with her—Walmart, the barn, kitchen table, bathroom…

What a GREAT little lady I have.  She amazes me daily!

Thanks for reading!

Alisha (AKA Wild Woman of the West)

P.S. Thank you for LOVING our facebook page.  We should hit 6000 likes at the beginning of this week!  We love that you share our pics and contests with your friends!

P.P.S. FUN BLING ALERT!  For the month of April we are having a fun contest.  Check it out here: